Pre-employment Screening

Comprehensive Screening for Optimal Workforce Health

At ScotNursing & Medical Services, we offer thorough pre-employment screening services to ensure the health and safety of your workforce. Our screenings are designed to assess the overall health and fitness of potential employees, aligning with your company's specific needs.

Detailed Health Evaluations

Our pre-employment health evaluations include a range of tests to assess physical and mental fitness for the job. This includes medical history reviews, physical examinations, and any necessary specialised tests. Medicals can include the elements that would show any pre-existing health changes, for example, to hearing, lung function, and hand function from HAVS.

Customized Screening Based on Job Requirements

We understand that different roles require different health standards. Our services are tailored to match the specific demands of each job, ensuring that your employees are fit for their roles.

Supporting Employee Health from Day One

Health Education and Resources

Beyond initial screenings, we provide employees with health education and resources. This fosters a healthy workforce, reducing future absenteeism and increasing productivity.

Ongoing Support and Health Monitoring

We offer ongoing health monitoring and support services, helping you maintain a healthy workforce and comply with occupational health standards.

Nurse conducting pre-employment health screening with potential employee-in-a-professional-setting

Streamlined and Efficient Screening Process

Health Surveillance and Safety Critical Medicals

Health surveillance is a legal requirement for all employers to ensure ongoing checks for work-related changes in function. It provides information and data to allow for the reduction of causative factors in the workplace. The elements of health surveillance can also serve as certificated safety critical medicals when the other elements are added.

We value your time and business efficiency. Our screening process is streamlined to provide quick yet thorough assessments, ensuring that you can proceed with hiring decisions promptly.

Confidential and Professional Service

Confidentiality is paramount in our screenings. We ensure that all personal health information is handled with the utmost privacy and professionalism.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does pre-employment screening involve?

Pre-employment screening includes comprehensive health assessments to determine the fitness of potential employees for specific job roles.

Why is pre-employment screening important?

It ensures that potential employees are physically and mentally fit for their roles, promoting workplace safety and productivity.