Management Referrals

Streamlining Employee Health Management

ScotNursing & Medical Services’s management referral process is specifically designed to facilitate a swift and efficient return to work for employees. We understand the critical balance between employee health and business continuity, and our services reflect this understanding.

Rapid Response for Management Referrals

We prioritise a quick response to management referrals. Our team ensures that reports are sent promptly, enabling fast decision-making and action.

Detailed and Accurate Medical Reporting

Accuracy and detail are key in our medical reports. We provide comprehensive health assessments that give employers a clear understanding of an employee’s health status.

Supporting Employers and Employees Alike

Tailored Solutions for Various Industries

Our management referral services are versatile, catering to a wide range of industries. We understand the unique demands of different work environments and tailor our services accordingly.

Collaborative Approach with Employers

We work closely with employers to understand their specific needs and concerns. This collaborative approach ensures that our services are aligned with your company’s health and safety objectives.

Prioritising Employee Health and Wellbeing

Focus on Employee Recovery and Wellbeing

Our primary focus is on the health and wellbeing of employees. We ensure that the return-to-work process is managed according to their needs and company requirements. Where appropriate if a change of role or direction may be the best outcome we support both the employee and employer.

Proactive Health Management Strategies

Beyond immediate referrals, we offer strategies and recommendations for proactive health management. This helps in preventing future health issues and maintaining a healthy workforce.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in a management referral?

A management referral includes a comprehensive health assessment, resulting in detailed reporting to aid in decision-making for employee health management.

How does the management referral process benefit employers?

It assists in making informed decisions about employee health, ensuring a balance between employee wellbeing and business needs.